• 《超能陆战队》第7章

    23-01-28 The showcase hall was buzzing as students waited for the judges results. Hiro, Tadashi, and the gang were anxiously waiting, too, when a large, imposing figure approached them. It was Alistair Krei. That was an impressive display, Krei said, gesturi...

  • use your head 动脑筋,好好想想

    22-02-07 美国俚语,作动词,字面意思用你的头,实际意思很好猜动脑筋,好好想想。常用于课堂上有个题目你不会做,请教老师后,老师鼓励你自己解决。 You know the answer, use your head! 你知道答案的,好好想想。...

  • on the ball 机灵

    21-12-28 如果形容一个人是 on the ball, 那就意味着这个人非常机灵。 例句 Brian managed to learn the new college computer system in just a couple of hours. Hes really on the ball. You have to be on the ball to win on that TV quiz show. You only have half a seco...

  • know-it-all 自以为无所不知的人

    21-10-28 合成名词 know-it-all 带有贬义,意思是 自以为无所不知的人,用来形容某人觉得自己比别人懂得都多,其实不然。 例句 Alex is such a know-it-all he always immediately shouts out the answer in class. 亚力克斯真是自以为什么都懂,他在课堂上总是立刻就喊出问题的...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 25

    21-05-07 The intercourse of the two families was at this period more nearly restored to what it had been in the autumn, than any member of the old intimacy had thought ever likely to be again. The return of Henry Crawford, and the arrival of William Price, h...

  • Little Women - Chapter 17

    20-09-27 For a week the amount of virtue in the old house would have supplied the neighborhood. It was really amazing, for everyone seemed in a heavenly frame of mind, and self-denial was all the fashion. Relieved of their first anxiety about their father, t...

  • 网上疯传的苹果香蕉椰子谜题

    16-02-20 A simple brainteaser for children has sparked an online debate, with many adults arguing about what the correct answer is. 一个看似简单的儿童谜语近日在网上引发热论,很多成年人为正确答案到底是什么争论不休。 The apples, bananas and coconuts conundrum...