• be self-contradictory 自相矛盾

    22-10-17 自相矛盾,汉语成语,比喻自己的言行前后抵触。可以翻译为be self-contradictory,argue against oneself等。 例句: 他的话自相矛盾。 What he says is self-contradictory....

  • 同意或者反对

    22-08-15 I agree with you. 我同意你说的。(最简单的) Building on what XX has just said, ....就刚才XXX说的,... I am with you..., but [main point]. 我明白你的意思,不过... (这里I am with you不一定表示同意也不一定表示反对,它主要的意思是说你说的我听懂了/我跟...

  • 表达自己意见

    22-08-15 I think that... 我认为... (最简单的表达,也最直接) It seems to me that... 在我看来... (可以用作表达意见,或者总结或者认可对方说的话) I would argue that...我是这么看的... (这里面用would来弱化语气) Just to go along with what you said... 顺着你刚...

  • 我请客

    22-06-13 1. This dinner is on me. Please order whatever you want to have. 晚餐我请,你想吃什么随便点吧。 2. My treat/Its my treat today. 今天我做东。 3. Let me foot/pay the bill tonight. Next time youll treat. 今晚我付账吧,下次你请客。 4. Im paying tonight....

  • argue for the sake of arguing 抬杠

    21-11-15 我们身边总有这么一群热衷抬杠的人,无论你说什么,他们都能跟你杠(argue),似乎他们的使命就是给别人添堵(vex, make you feel annoyed)。 抬杠,原指用杠子穿过吊环将物体抬起,也叫抬杠子。不过现在更常用来比喻做无谓地争辩、为了争论而争论(argue for the sa...

  • Worse 更糟

    16-05-06 Kevin: My wife and I argue a lot. She is very touchy -- the least thing sets her off. Christopher: Youre lucky. Mine is a self-starter. 凯文:我和老婆经常吵架。她太爱发火 一点就着。 克里斯托弗:你是幸运的。我老婆是个自动发生器。...

  • Serena Williams blows her top, and her chance, at the US Ope

    09-09-21 在美国网球公开赛女单半决赛中,卫冕冠军小威廉姆斯在被比利时选手克里斯特尔斯6:4领先一盘的情况下,在第二盘第12局的比赛因为辱骂司线判其脚误而导致被判失分,无缘进入决赛。其实在第一盘比赛结束时,小威廉姆斯就因为摔拍而被判违反行为准则并获警告,而此次辱骂...
