• 打太极可减轻关节炎疼痛

    10-11-08 In the largest study to date of the Arthritis(关节炎) Foundation's Tai Chi program, participants showed improvement in pain, fatigue(疲劳,疲乏) , stiffness and sense of well-being. Their ability to reach while maintaining balance also improved,...

  • 研究:饮酒可缓解关节炎症状

    10-07-29 Drinking alcohol can not only ease the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis it appears to reduce disease severity too, research suggests. 研究显示,饮酒不仅可以缓解风湿性关节炎的症状而且似乎可以减轻病情的严重度。 More research is needed to find out why...

  • 中年人不宜过量运动

    09-11-30 Middle-aged men and women may be risking arthritis if they overdo their exercise regime, research suggests. 研究显示,中年男女超出合适的运动体制可能有患关节炎的风险。 Can exercise be too much of a good thing? A US study of more than 200 people aged...
