• 中国公布发展人工智能三年计划

    16-05-25 The Chinese authorities have announce a plan for speeding up the development of the artificial intelligence sector. 中国政府公布了一份关于加快人工智能领域发展的计划。 The move reportedly aims to create a market worth more than 100 billion yuan, or 1...

  • 霍金:人工智能威胁人类生存

    14-12-05 Prof Stephen Hawking, one of Britain's pre-eminent scientists, has said that efforts to create thinking machines pose a threat to our very existence. 英国最优秀的科学家之一史蒂芬霍金教授近日表示,致力于会思考型机器的开发会威胁人类自身的生存。 He tol...

  • artificial intelligence application 人工智能应用

    12-07-02 I need to have one because I see the potential of its cloud computing service and artificial intelligence application . That's currently a wide open area in China. 某用户说:我需要买一部,因为我看到了云服务以及人工智能应用的潜在价值。目前这在中国有...

  • 纳米粒子与人造原子

    12-05-31 In the growth of crystals, do nanoparticles act as artificial atoms forming molecular-type building blocks that can assemble into complex structures? This is the contention(争论) of a major but controversial theory to explain nanocrystal growth. A...

  • 日本科学家利用人粪制作肉食

    11-06-25 It takes the saying waste not, want not, to a whole new level. 勤俭节约,吃穿不缺这句谚语如今被发展到了新的高度。 Flushed with success? Mitsuyuki Ikeda with his edible excrement concoction A Japanese scientist has developed a 'meat' burger made out...

  • 古埃及人已发明使用人造脚趾

    11-02-15 Two artificial big toes one found attached to the foot of an ancient Egyptian mummy may have been the world's earliest functional prosthetic(假体的) body parts, says the scientist who tested replicas on volunteers. University of Manchester researc...

  • 调查:人工营养存在缺陷

    10-06-28 There are major deficiencies in the way hospitals provide artificial nutrition to sick babies and adults, an inquiry has found. 一项调查发现,医院向生病的婴儿和成年人提供人工营养的方式有很多缺陷。 Artificial feeding is for those who cannot absorb fo...

  • 人工消雨&人工降雨

    09-08-30 国庆期间,北京地区的降水概率在30%左右,气象部门已做好人工消雨的准备。记者从国家气象局获悉,国庆60周年庆典气象服务工作方案及应急气象服务方案已经制定,正在完善和演练。 请看《中国日报》的报道: Zhang Qiang, deputy director of the Beijing Weather Modifi...

  • 'Artificial trees' to cut carbon “人工森林”降低碳排放

    09-08-27 Engineers say a forest of 100,000 artificial trees could be deployed within 10 to 20 years to help soak up the world's carbon emissions. 工程师称一块有10万棵人造树木的森林将来未来10至20年内部署完毕以帮助解决世界上碳排放问题。 Algae units could be de...

  • Artificial brain '10 years away' 人造大脑“距我们只有10年”

    09-07-23 A detailed, functional artificial human brain can be built within the next 10 years, a leading scientist has claimed. 一位领导性的科学家宣称,一个详细的、机能完整的人工大脑将在未来的十年内被制造出来。 The team are trying to reverse engineer the brai...
