• 斯里兰卡国防部长被撤职

    19-04-24 Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena said on Tuesday that he expects to change the heads of the defense forces within the next 24 hours. 斯里兰卡总统迈特里帕拉西里塞纳周二表示,未来24小时内国防部长被撤职。 In a special address to the nation whi...

  • 斯里兰卡宣布进入紧急状态

    19-04-23 Sri Lanka on Tuesday imposed a state of emergency. 斯里兰卡周二宣布进入紧急状态。 Twenty-four people have been arrested over the coordinated Easter Sunday assault on multiple churches and hotels in the capital Colombo and beyond, authorities said. T...

  • 丹麦富翁在斯里兰卡失去三个孩子

    19-04-23 Danish billionaire Anders Holch Povlsen lost three of his four children in the Easter day attacks in Sri Lanka, a spokesman for his clothing retail group Bestseller said on Monday. 绫致集团一位发言人周一称,丹麦亿万富翁安德斯霍尔希波维森在斯里兰卡复...

  • 恐袭事件后 英国防身术课程申请创新高

    17-07-03 Self-defence classes have reportedly seen a surge in applications after Britain was hit with three terrorist attacks in three months. 据报道,英国在三个月内遭受三次恐袭后,防身术课程申请创新高。 Many people have expressed interest in the classes to...

  • 香港警方举行大规模反恐演习

    17-05-13 Hong Kong police have held a counter-terrorism drill, aiming to test their capability to handle scenarios that have been seen elsewhere around the world. 香港警方举行一场反恐演习,意在测试一下他们应对已在世界其他地区出现的恐怖袭击的能力。 The drill...

  • 菲尔铁塔周围将建加固玻璃墙

    17-02-15 The Eiffel Tower in Paris is to have a 2.5m-high wall of reinforced glass built around it as protection against terror attacks, officials say. 法国官员表示,将在巴黎埃菲尔铁塔周围建造2.5米高的加固玻璃墙,使其在遭到恐怖袭击时得到保护。 The Paris mayo...

  • 奥巴马讲话 持续打击极端恐怖组织"ISIS”

    16-04-04 This week, our hearts are with the people of Belgium, as terrorist attacks claimed the lives of more than thirty people. Yesterday, we learned that at least two Americans were killed. We pray for their families and loved ones. At least fourteen Amer...

  • 奥巴马讲话 沉着冷静应对恐怖威胁

    15-11-29 Good morning everyone. This past week we've seen the best and the worst of humanity. The heinous terrorist attacks in Paris and Beirut, in Iraq and Nigeria. They showed us once again the depths of the terrorist's depravity. And at the same time we s...

  • 欧盟呼吁与阿拉伯国家建立反恐联盟

    15-01-20 The European Union is calling for an anti-terror alliance with Arab countries following recent deadly attacks and arrests across Europe linked to foreign fighters. 近期在欧洲发生多起与外国武装人员相关的致命袭击与拘捕,对此欧盟号召与阿拉伯国家建立反...

  • 索尼PS网络遭黑客袭击关停

    14-08-25 Sony's PlayStation network has been shut down after cyber-attackers overloaded it in what's known as a distributed denial of service attack. 索尼PS网络遭黑客袭击被关停,袭击方式是用一种分布式拒绝服务使系统超载。 In a blog post Sony said that no pers...