• 国产大飞机C919获颁生产许可证

    22-12-12 民航华东地区管理局29日向中国商飞公司颁发了国产大飞机C919的生产许可证。这标志着我国具备了批量生产制造大型客机的能力,为拉动民航制造业全产业链发展提供了条件。 Chinas domestically developed C919 large jetliner received its production certificate on Tue...

  • 国产大飞机C919获300架新订单

    22-11-15 国产大飞机C919在第十四届中国国际航空航天博览会上收获300架新订单,各方认为,这款喷气式干线客机拥有广阔的市场前景。 Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd. (COMAC) said it has received 300 new orders for C919 jet at the 14th China International...

  • 减少天空碳足迹

    21-01-02 For many people, flying is a great way to move quickly and easily from place to place. There are now four billion passengers flying every year. The aviation industry has expanded massively in recent years, with the growth of budget airlines opening...