• Avozilla 牛油果哥斯拉

    22-09-27 一看就知道,这又是一个avocado 牛油果相关的词汇,牛油果主题词已经多次上榜牛津热词,可见这个食物在文化中的影响力。去年十二月,我们注意到玛莎的货架上突然出现的开胃小菜cocktail avocado(鸡尾酒牛油果,即无核牛油果)。今年三月,维珍火车推出#Avocard(牛油...

  • avocado hand 牛油果手

    17-09-26 The fleshy fruit rich in healthy fats is more popular than ever, but in addition to surging prices, avocado fans may have one more thing to worry about. The number of injuries caused by improper handling and cutting of avocados is on the rise. 富含...
