• 青蛙王子 1

    21-10-04 A long time ago, in a far away land there lived a princess. The princess was the most prettiest, from the time she was a baby anyone who saw her admired her appearance. 以前,在一个遥远的国度生活着一位美丽的公主。公主非常漂亮的,当她还是个婴儿的时候...

  • NBA比赛常用词汇 2

    16-08-04 Conference:联盟。NBA分东、西两个联盟(Eastern Conference和Western Conference),每个联盟都有自己的logo。 Commissioner:总裁。NBA的现任总裁是Adam Silver。 Court:球场;赛...

  • NBA比赛常用词汇 1

    16-08-04 Air ball:三不沾,投出的球什么都没碰到。 Alley-oop:空中接力。一个运动员把球抛向空中,另一个队员在空中接住球把球扣入篮筐。 Arena:比赛场;竞技...

  • 科比·布莱恩特宣布退役

    15-12-03 Dear Basketball, From the moment I started rolling my dad's tube socks And shooting imaginary Game-winning shots In the Great Western Forum I knew one thing was real: I fell in love with you. A love so deep I gave you my all -- From my mind body To...

  • My Little Buttercup

    15-03-17 Towards the end of the golf course, Larry hit his ball into the woods and found it in a patch of pretty yellow buttercups. Trying to get his ball back in play, he ended up thrashing just about every buttercup in the patch. All of a sudden ... POOF!!...

  • Golfer 高尔夫球手

    14-06-04 Once there was a golfer whose ball landed on an anthill(蚁冢) . Rather than move the ball, he decided to hit it where it lay. He gave a mighty swing. Clouds of dirt and sand and ants exploded from the spot. Everything moved but the golf ball. It s...

  • The Frog-King,or Iron Henry

    14-03-19 In old times when wishing still helped one, there lived a king whose daughters were all beautiful, but the youngest was so beautiful that the sun itself, which has seen so much, was astonished whenever it shone in her face. Close by the King's castl...

  • 健身课程

    13-04-15 Resist-a-ball 健身球 Kwando Aerobics 有氧搏击操 Pilates 普拉提课程 Powerflex 有氧杠铃操 Aerobics 健美操 Yoga 瑜伽 Kick Boxing 搏击操 Hip Hop 街舞 Step 踏板操 Latin Aerobics 拉丁健美操 Hi/Low Aerobics 有氧健身操 Spinning 动感单车 Ballet 芭蕾形体 Mart...

  • 《忠犬八公的故事》三

    13-03-12 精彩对白 Michael: Hey, Mrs. Wilson, good to see you. Wife: Michael, nice to see you. Call me Kate. Michael: Okay. I got you some beer. Wife: Thank you. Thank you. Daughter: Everything looks delicious. Kate: Oh, good. Michael: Yeah, that's a great st...

  • banana kick 弧线球

    12-12-13 Banana kick is a type of kick that gives the ball a curved trajectory, used to get the ball around an obstacle such as a goaltender or defender. Banana kick指以弧线运行的球,多是为了让球绕过守门员或者后卫。也就是大家熟知的弧线球。 之所以用banana命名...