• 小时候玩的游戏 下

    21-06-01 滚铁环 Hoop rolling 80后不陌生的游戏绝对少不了滚铁环,滚得越久越厉害。 Hoop rolling is both a sport and a childs game in which a large hoop is rolled along the ground, generally by means of an object wielded by the player. The aim of the game is to...

  • 疫情影响竹子供应 旅加大熊猫提前回国

    20-12-01 Two giant pandas,Da Mao and Er Shun, on Sunday arrived in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province, after prematurely finishing their stay at a Canadian zoo, as the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted their bamboo supply. 因新冠肺炎疫情引起的竹子供应受阻,两只...

  • 中国愿推动竹藤业的可持续发展

    18-06-26 China is willing to work with all countries to facilitate the sustainable development of the global bamboo and rattan industry, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has said. 中国总理李克强表示,中国愿与世界各国合作促进全球竹子和藤条产业的可持续发展。 This wi...

  • 关于大熊猫你可能不了解的六件事

    16-06-18 Its estimated that there are around 1,600 Giant Pandas in the wild. There are 300 in zoos and breeding centres around the world. Its unsure how long Giant Pandas live in the wild. However Chinese scientists reported zoo pandas as old as 35. A wild p...

  • 大熊猫的肠道细菌不能有效地消化竹子

    15-05-22 It's no wonder that giant pandas are always chewing and eating, say Chinese researchers: their gut bacteria are not the type for efficiently digesting bamboo. The bamboo-eating giant panda actually harbors a carnivore-like gut microbiota predominate...

  • 胸有成竹

    12-06-08 There was once an artist whose name was Wen Tong. He was famous for his bamboo drawings. A lot of people asked him for one of his bamboo drawings. People wondered why Wen Tong could draw so well. Actually, Wen Tong loved bamboo so much he had grown...

  • 大熊猫需要生活在原始森林中

    11-01-12 The results of a study recently published in the journal Biology Letters indicate that giant pandas need old-growth forests as much as bamboo forests. This work, which was completed through the collaborative(合作的) efforts of scientists from the...

  • 印度刷新集体竹竿舞世界纪录

    10-03-19 A troupe of 10,780 tribal villagers in India's northeast set a record Friday for the largest dance ensemble in the world with a carefully choreographed routine to welcome in the summer. 印度东北部某部落上周五创造了一项新的集体竹竿舞世界纪录,10780名...

  • 胸有成竹的来历

    10-03-05 In the song Dynasty (960-1279), there was a scholar whose name was Wen Tong and who styled himself Yuke. He was not only admired by others for his great learning, but also enjoyed widespread renown(声誉,名望) for his bamboo drawing. Every day the...
