• 包含水果的地道口语 下

    22-08-03 13.To go bananas is to become excited or crazed, and to drive (someone) bananas is to annoy or irritate someone. Go bananas变兴奋变疯狂,to drive (someone) bananas惹怒某人。 15.To cherry-pick is to select carefully. 精挑细...

  • 睡前饮食红榜

    22-01-26 1. Bananas 香蕉 Although generally considered an energy-boosting food, bananas are rich in magnesium which relaxes muscles and they also contain serotonin and melatonin, which encourage sleep. 香蕉通常被认为是一种补充能量的食物,但香蕉富含镁元素,可...

  • go bananas 发疯,发狂,情绪失控

    21-11-17 go bananas字面看是奔跑的香蕉,是不是脑中突然有了画面感其实该短语意为发疯,发狂,情绪失控,关于其起源有两种说法: 一种是说go bananas类似于go ape(猿),后者有发疯、发狂的意思,两者放在一起很容易让人联想到猴子、猿、猩猩看到香蕉高兴得要发狂的样子; 还...

  • 香蕉韧丝富含营养完全可以食用

    17-07-05 Bananas are a wonderful source of potassium and are the perfect on-the-go snack. 香蕉是钾元素的绝佳来源,也是完美的便携零食。 The only downside to the fruit are those irritating leathery strands - which are actually called phloem bundles - that you...

  • 巴拿马病威胁香蕉生存

    15-12-19 The most popular fruit in the world - bananas - may be about to be wiped out by an invisible killer bug. 一种无形的致死性病菌或许马上就要把香蕉这种世界上最受欢迎的水果赶尽杀绝了。 Panama Disease - which has already destroyed the most popular variety...

  • 荷兰艺术家用香蕉皮作画

    15-03-08 Judging by Stephan Brusche's creative approach to fruit he probably didn't have very good table manners as a child, as clearly he was never told off for playing with his food. 从特凡纳布鲁施对水果的玩法来看,他小时候的餐桌礼仪可不怎么样,也从未被告...

  • 香蕉可能取代土豆成为重要食物

    12-10-31 Climate change could lead to bananas becoming a critical food source for millions of people, a new report says. 一份新报告称,气候变化可能导致香蕉成为数百万人一个重要食物来源。 Bananas could take the place of potatoes in some developing countries Re...
