• lavish praise on 捧场

    22-09-01 捧场,原指特意到剧场去赞赏戏曲演员的表演(be a member of a claque),如今泛指特意到场对别人的某种活动表示支持、助兴,例如谢谢你来捧场,可以翻译为Thank you for your presence at my banquet。 捧场还可以表示对别人的某种行为说赞扬的话(lavish praise on,f...

  • banquet redline 饭局红线

    15-05-26 The new banquet redlines clearly stipulate which kinds of banquets and dinners officials are forbidden to attend, which will not only reduce the wasting of taxpayers' money, but also shrink the breeding ground for corruption. 新的饭局红线清晰规定了...
