• QR Code中的QR是什么意思

    20-11-29 二维码的英文是QR Code,这个很多同学应该都知道。但QR是什么意思呢? 其实它是Quick Response的缩写,反映出这种二维码具有超高速识读的特点。Quick Response Code也就是快速响应码。 维基百科是这么解释的: A QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response code) is a...

  • DNA编码可显示害虫的分布和食谱

    10-03-10 University of Minnesota researcher George Weiblen and colleagues have found a faster way to study the spread and diet of insect pests. Using a technique called DNA barcoding, which involves the identification of species from a short DNA sequence, We...

  • 'Barcode' to help identify plants “条码”帮忙鉴定物种

    09-07-30 An international team of scientists has agreed on a standard DNA barcode for plants that will allow botanists to identify species quickly and easily. 一组国际科学家为植物制定了统一的DNA条码,这将帮助植物学家更快、更简单地区分物种。 There are an esti...

  • Barcode replacement shown off 条码替代品将要问世

    09-07-28 A replacement for the black and white stripes of the traditional barcode has been outlined by US researchers. 黑白码和传统条码的替代品已经被美国研究人员研制出来。 Bokodes (centre) are much smaller than traditional barcodes Bokodes, as they are known...
