• 中国将进一步宣传大众创业与创新精神

    17-06-22 China will further boost mass entrepreneurship and innovation by building 92 more demonstration bases, the State Council, Chinas cabinet, announced Wednesday. 中国国务院周三表示,中国将建造92座示范基地,进一步宣传大众创业与创新精神。 The government...

  • 日本将“重新考虑”美国普天间空军基地的转移问题

    10-01-25 Japan's Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama has said the result of a weekend mayoral poll will fuel a major rethink about US military bases in Japan. 日本首相鸠山由纪夫称,上周末的一个市长投票将促使日本重新考虑境内的美国军事基地转移问题。 A deal to move t...
