• 和“猫”有关的词汇

    21-10-02 你听说过抱猫日 吗?这是近年来随着互联网的发展,流行起来的的一个节日。很多人会在这个节日与好友通过社交网络分享自己的抱猫照。不论你是否喜欢猫咪,通过做本集《英语小测验》的题目,你将学到如何用英语说小猫、非品种猫、猫的胡须和猫爪。 1. What are baby cats...

  • 人们认为留胡须的男性更有魅力

    16-12-29 Its the latest hipster fad that forecasters predicted would be killed off in 2016. 留胡须的风潮原本被预言将在2016年过去。 But it looks like beards are here to stay for a bit longer. For more than half of the men in Glamour Magazines 100 Sexiest Men...

  • 波特兰两位基友将胡子变新奇艺术之作

    15-07-24 Two gay men from Portland have become social media stars thanks to their incredible ability to turn their burly beards into fanciful works of art, before sharing images of their whimsical creations on Instagram. 来自波特兰的两位同性恋者,凭借其非凡...

  • 美国军方降低着装标准

    14-01-23 The US military is easing its uniform rules to allow religious wear including turbans, skullcaps, beards and tattoos, officials have said. 美国军方降低了着装标准,允许佩戴宗教服饰,例如穆斯林头巾、无边便帽、胡须还有纹身。 Sikh soldiers such as Army...
