• One Hundred Years of Solitude 百年孤独 Chapter 10

    22-10-17 YEARS LATER on his deathbed Aureli-ano Segun-do would remember the rainy afternoon in June when he went into the bedroom to meet his first son. Even though the child was languid and weepy, with no mark of a Buenda, he did not have to think twice abo...

  • 一些安眠小技巧

    22-09-09 ① 睡前少看电子产品 Reduce blue light exposure in the evening 手机、笔记本电脑和电视发出的蓝光会影响你的昼夜节律,让你的大脑误以为还是白天。同时,蓝光的刺激会使褪黑激素等帮助你放松和进入深度睡眠的激素减少。所以,建议至少在睡前一小时就放下电子产品。...

  • 一些拒绝的语句

    22-04-06 1. I am afraid. 抱歉。 Afraid本意为害怕的;恐怕。上句是为了要说出不受欢迎的话而用的客套话,对话举例如下: A: Would you like to go to see a movie tomorrow night? 你明晚想去看电影吗? B: I am afraid. I have to clean my bedroom. 对不起,我必须要打扫我...

  • all over the shop 零乱、到处都是

    21-07-21 短语 all over the shop 虽然看着还像是说购物,其实它的意思是指零乱,没有规律,到处都是。这不仅可以用于说东西零乱,还可以指某人去了很多地方。这是一个非常口语化的英式表达。 例句 Look at the state of your bedroom. Your clothes are all over the shop! Whe...

  • 研究:卧室地毯或许是家里最脏的地方

    20-02-12 You might be diligent about running the vacuum over your carpet whenever it starts to look a bit scruffy, but shocking research has revealed that the average bedroom floor is ten times dirtier than a toilet seat. 地毯看起来有点脏的时候,你可能会很勤...

  • 传闻称奥巴马与妻子米歇尔近期关系不和

    14-06-27 President Obama and wife Michelle slept in separate bedrooms due to a marital fight during a first-term Martha's Vineyard vacation, according to an excerpt from Ed Klein's newly released book Blood Feud. 自奥巴马总统与丹麦美女首相施密特在曼德拉的葬...

  • 世界最贵单卧室公寓在东京出售

    12-07-21 An apartment that is believed to be the most expensive one-bedroom property in the world is on sale in Tokyo with a price tag of a cool Y1.8 billion. 位于日本东京的一栋公寓以18亿日元的价格出售,成为世界上最昂贵的单卧室公寓。 House Minami-Azabu is in...
