• hypocrite 伪君子,伪善者

    22-02-28 hypocrite [hpkrt] n.伪君子,伪善者 这个表达大家可能更加熟悉,美剧中也经常出现,比如《生活大爆炸》里Leonard曾说: What are you looking at? Youve never seen a hypocrite before? 看什么看,没见过伪君子吗? 引申: 这个单词有一个变形:hypocrisy [hpkrs] n....

  • 摩根·弗里曼被八名女性指控性骚扰

    18-05-25 Hollywood star Morgan Freeman has been accused by eight women in the latest sexual harassment. 好莱坞影星摩根弗里曼被八名女性指控性骚扰。 The Oscar winners alleged inappropriate behavior and harassment included unwanted touching and inappropriate co...

  • inappropriate tourism behavior 旅游不文明行为

    16-06-28 China has issued a new regulation to blacklist tourists and tourism service providers with inappropriate public manners. 我国出台新规,将游客和旅游从业人员的不文明行为列入黑名单。 新《办法》中列出的旅游不文明行为( inappropriate tourism behavior )...

  • 恐龙的交配行为与鸟类相似

    16-01-08 DENVER (January 7, 2016) Dinosaurs engaged in mating behavior similar to modern birds, leaving the fossil evidence behind in 100 million year old rocks, according to new research by Martin Lockley, professor of geology at the University of Colorado...

  • 农业污染物影响鱼类生殖行为

    15-04-02 A common growth-promoting hormone used worldwide in the cattle industry has been found to affect the sexual behaviors of fish at a very low concentration in waterways -- with potentially serious ecological and evolutionary consequences. Researchers...

  • 蛇类求爱以及争斗行为的进化

    14-09-25 A small study suggests snakes may have developed courtship and male-to-male combat behavior, such as moving undulations, neck biting, and spur-poking, over time, according to a study published September 24, 2014 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE b...

  • 乱政图名

    14-06-10 Shu Xiang noticed that although Meng Xianbo was appointed as high minister, he had only required one chariot. So he preached up Meng Xianho's frugalness(节省) to others. But Miao Fenghuang disagreed with Shu Xiang. Miao contended, The litles, sala...

  • 网络游戏能丰富玩家的社交生活

    14-03-28 New research finds that online social behavior isn't replacing offline social behavior in the gaming community. Instead, online gaming is expanding players' social lives. The study was done by researchers at North Carolina State University, York Uni...

  • 出血影响马蹄蟹的行为模式

    14-02-26 New research from Plymouth State University and the University of New Hampshire indicates that collecting and bleeding horseshoe crabs for biomedical purposes causes short-term changes in their behavior and physiology that could exacerbate(加剧,恶...