• 全球疫情诞生573位亿万富翁

    22-05-30 在世界经济论坛峰开幕之际,全球慈善机构乐施会发布报告称,新冠疫情期间每30个小时就有一位新的亿万富翁诞生,而2022年每33个小时就有近100万人正陷入极度贫困。乐施会建议向大发疫情财的亿万富翁们征税,补贴因生存成本上涨而陷入贫困的民众。 A new billionaire eme...

  • 凯莉·詹娜成最年轻的白手起家亿万富翁

    19-03-07 Move over Mark Zuckerberg. At 21, Kylie Jenner has been named the youngest-ever self-made billionaire by Forbes magazine. 撇开马克扎克伯格,21岁的凯莉詹娜被福布斯杂志提名最年轻的白手起家的亿万富翁。 Forbes estimated that Jenners Kylie Cosmetics is w...

  • 南非富豪帕特里斯·莫特赛捐出半数财产

    13-01-31 South Africa's richest black man, Patrice Motsepe, has announced he is giving away half his wealth to improve the lives of the poor. 南非最富有的黑人帕特里斯莫特赛比宣布捐出一半财产改善穷人生活。 Born in Soweto, Patrice Motsepe is South Africa\s fir...

  • “占领华尔街”抗议者转战曼哈顿富翁

    11-10-16 Hundreds of protesters, emboldened by the growing national Occupy Wall Street movement, streamed through midtown Manhattan on Tuesday in what they called a Millionaires March. 随着美国占领华尔街抗议活动的日益深入,数百名抗议者本周二涌入曼哈顿中心区...
