• 3月债券通交易稳定

    22-04-12 3月,债券通交投稳定,国债和政策性金融债交易最为活跃。 The monthly trading volume under Chinas Bond Connect program reached 647.8 billion yuan, with the average daily turnover at 28.2 billion yuan, data released by Bond Connect Co., Ltd. showed. 债券...

  • 内地与香港债券市场互联互通“南向通”9月24日上线

    21-09-16 为促进内地与香港债券市场共同发展,中国人民银行、香港金融管理局9月15日发布联合公告, Southbound trading under the Bond Connect program between the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong will be launched on Sept 24. 内地与香港债券市场互联互通(债券通)南向合...

  • special treasury bonds 特别国债

    20-09-14 3月27日,中共中央总书记习近平主持召开中共中央政治局会议,分析新冠肺炎疫情防控和经济运行形势。会议指出,要抓紧研究提出一揽子宏观政策措施,适当提高财政赤字率,发行特别国债,增加地方政府专项债券规模,引导贷款市场利率下行。 Xi Jinping, general secretary...

  • 中国成为世界上最大的绿色债券发行方

    16-04-21 China replaced the United States as the top issuer of green bonds geographically in the first quarter (Q1) of 2016, credit rating agency Moodys said in a report. 信用评级机构穆迪的一份报告显示,2016年第一季度,中国取代美国成为世界上最大的绿色债券发...

  • bond sales 举借债务

    15-04-08 To tackle this situation, the revision green-lights bond sales by provincial-level governments but places them under strict conditions. It not only restricts the amount of bonds but also regulates how to issue them and use funds raised through bonds...

  • 同一实验中偶然得到两种颜色水晶

    13-08-05 Chemists have unexpectedly made two differently colored crystals -- one orange, the other blue -- from one chemical in the same flask(烧瓶) while studying a special kind of molecular connection called an agostic bond. The discovery, reported in An...
