• lower the boom 严厉惩罚

    22-08-25 我刚刚参加了三天的电脑安全培训班。负责培训的老师对学生要求特别严格,对我们这些大记者丝毫不留情面。 我的一个同事就因为培训最后一天迟到了二十分钟,被老师请出了教室,要他下次培训班从头来过。不过,这倒让我想起了今天要学的习惯用语,lower the boom. 大家都...

  • prosper,boom,thrive

    22-02-23 如何区分动词prosper、boom 和 thrive。它们都和事物的成功、发展或改善有关,很容易被混淆。 先来看 prosper, P R O S P E R。Prosper 是动词,意思是 兴旺发达,繁荣昌盛,常指财务或经济上的成功,比如个人、企业、机构以及经济的蓬勃发展。我们来听两个例句。 Exam...

  • currency exchange boom 换汇潮

    16-04-19 The renminbis fall to a five-year low against the US dollar has triggered a currency exchange boom on the Chinese mainland, forcing the regulator to strengthen intervention to ease capital outflow pressure. 人民币兑美元汇率中间价跌至五年以来最低位使...

  • 奥巴马演讲 视察洛杉矶Fourchon海滩

    10-06-07 Everybody, I want you all to meet Charlotte Randolph, whos the parish(教区) president in this parish. And what I just heard from Thad Allen was that this parish has been as effective as any in coordinating(协调) and working to make sure that the...
