• 扣胸罩的方式可以反映你是个怎样的人

    15-08-28 Putting your bra on in the morning may seem like a completely meaningless task, but according to research by one human behavior expert, the way you snap that clasp closed actually reveals a great deal about who you are as a person. 每天早上穿文胸似...

  • face bra 脸部内衣

    14-10-15 It seems that women will place their faith in all manner of weird and wonderful beauty lotions, potions and gadgets in their quest for youth. 女同胞们似乎愿意相信任何可以让她们保持年轻的奇特又神奇的美容乳液、药水和仪器。 But one store in Japan is ta...

  • 迷人乳沟使女性更性感自信

    12-04-07 对于英国三分之二的女性而言,低胸装让她们感觉更加性感和自信。据称,英国七分之一的女性凭借傲人的乳沟在职场上获得晋升,8%的受访英国女性透露,事业线还可以帮她们躲过违章停车罚款。 Brits are top of the game when it comes to using their cleavage(劈开,分...

  • 英国推出L罩杯文胸

    11-04-09 Two years ago it was the KK, then in January came the L. 两年前,英国推出KK罩杯超大文胸,而到了今年一月,又新推出L罩杯。 2011 model: The larger Bra is a 48N size and is seen compared to a more average, 34C Bra, also by Rigby and Peller But the femal...

  • 日本推出可种植水稻的概念文胸

    10-05-22 A Japanese lingerie company has developed a concept bra that doubles as a rice paddy. 日本一家内衣公司日前推出一款可种植水稻的概念文胸。 A Japanese lingerie company has developed a concept bra that doubles as a rice paddy. Triumph, makers of other g...

  • 女性上网晒文胸颜色 呼吁防范乳腺癌

    10-01-16 A new Facebook craze is sweeping the social networking site, where woman give details of their bra colour, to help raise awareness for breast cancer. 社交网站Facebook日前刮起一阵旋风,女性用户纷纷晒出自己文胸的颜色,以提高人们对乳腺癌的防治意识。 Wo...

  • 2010年内衣新宠:抗皱文胸

    10-01-09 本月底即将亮相的巴黎时尚内衣秀将会推出一款随体温扩张或收缩并且还能除去胸部皱纹的文胸。这款抗皱文胸来自于荷兰的设计师,可以在睡眠期间帮助女性消除胸部皱纹,因此需要在就寝时穿着。此次时尚内衣秀的经理表示,高科技在内衣界正在发挥这越来越重要的作用,比如...
