• 帕金森: 颠覆性疗法在患者身上测试

    20-12-21 一项将药物直接导入患者大脑中的、具有颠覆性的帕金森病疗法已在人身上进行了测试。在试验中,一组患者接受了这类治疗,即药物通过头部一侧的开口注入大脑;另一组则接受了 安慰剂疗法。 Parkinsons causes parts of the brain to become progressively damaged, resul...

  • 大脑使我们逃避关于生死话题的恐惧

    20-12-01 Thats because, researchers say, our brains do their best to keep us from dwelling on our inevitable demise. A study found that the brain shields us from existential fear by categorizing death as an unfortunate event that only befalls other people....

  • 科学家发现 “左撇子基因”

    20-11-24 科学家们发现了第一个与左撇子有关的基因指令。这些指令似乎还与大脑的结构和功能密切相连,尤其是与语言有关的区域。 Around one in ten of us is left-handed - but why? A team at the University of Oxford analysed 400,000 peoples DNA. They then compared left...

  • 我们为什么打哈欠?

    20-10-25 Yawning is something we all do maybe because were bored carrying out tedious tasks or because were tired. Sometimes, just seeing other people yawn can set you off. But is this biological function really contagious, and why do we do it in the first p...

  • tonguegasm 尖上的高潮

    20-09-25 Something ingested through the mouth that has an extremely amazing taste. The -gasm referring to amazing. 吃下美味食物后,会感觉味道棒极了,这就是舌尖上的高潮。-gasm指的是食物美味至极。 例如: Tyson had a tonguegasm whilst eating Sichuan food. 泰森...

  • 互联网正在改变我们大脑的结构和功能

    20-09-19 From gathering food to finding a mate and communicating with other members of society, many of the most basic human activities are now being carried out in the virtual realm. It should come as little surprise, then, that the multitude of brain regio...

  • 人生要活在当下

    20-09-10 The problem is, I think in most of our lives the root suffering is following that brain noise and listening to that brain noise and actually identifying with it as if its who you are. Thats just the noise your brain makes you know and more often tha...

  • 遇到难题不妨先睡一觉再说

    19-11-12 It is often said that the best way to get to the bottom of a hard problem is to sleep on it. But how accurate is this advice? 关于如何追根究底找到解决问题的方法,通常有个普遍的说法最好先睡上一觉,或许会找到解决方案。不过这个说法到底有几分可信度呢?...

  • 腹部肥胖可能对大脑有害

    19-01-29 Belly fat has long been thought to be particularly bad for your heart, but now, a new study adds more evidence to the idea that it may also be bad for your brain. 长期以来,人们都认为腹部肥胖对心脏特别不好,但现在一项新研究提出的新证据表明,它可能还...

  • 我们睡着之后身体都在忙些啥

    18-04-21 1. KEEPING TIME You might be asleep but your hypothalamus is not. Its carefully keeping time for you as part of your circadian rhythm. This not only helps you feel tired so that you go to sleep with the release of melatonin, but a protein called PER...