• 北海发现约有200座古墓的大型古墓葬群

    22-01-11 北海市博物馆近日发布最新考古成果称,考古工作者在该市发现约有200座古墓的大型古墓葬群。 Archaeologists recently discovered a large-scale cluster of ancient tombs dating back to the Six Dynasties period to the Sui and Tang Dynasties (222-907) in south...

  • like a ton of bricks 某物很重

    21-08-09 短语 like a ton of bricks 可以用来形容某物很重,也可以形容某人受惊吓,使某人惊呆。 例句 I cant carry that bag all the way home - its like a ton of bricks! The news about her grandfathers illness hit Suzanne like a ton of bricks. 请注意 短语 weigh a...

  • 热锅上的蚂蚁

    20-11-21 热锅上的蚂蚁用来形容人们心里烦躁、焦急,坐立不安的样子,指的是restless,unable to remain still(焦躁不安,静不下来)。英文中也有一个古老的俗语用来形容这种紧张不安:好像热砖上的猫(like a cat on hot bricks)。Hot bricks指的是热砖,想想看,猫爬在热砖...

  • Proper Job Placement

    17-05-17 Methods from Human Resources... 1. Put 400 bricks in a closed room. 2. Put your new hires in the room and close the door. 3. Leave them alone and come back after 6 hours. 4. Then analyze the situation: a. If they are counting the bricks, put them in...

  • 澳洲男子用乐高玩具还原庞贝古城

    15-02-13 Ryan McKnight spent a staggering 470 hours recreating the historic town of Pompeii entirely from Lego. 瑞安麦克奈特花费长达470小时,用乐高玩具还原出历史古城庞贝。 McKnight who's been nicknamed 'The Brickman' whiled away the equivalent of nearly thre...

  • 添加羊毛纤维的砖块更坚硬、环保

    10-10-06 Spanish and Scottish researchers have added wool fibres to the clay material used to make bricks and combined these with an alginate(藻朊酸盐) , a natural polymer(聚合物) extracted from seaweed. The result is bricks that are stronger and more en...
