• professional bridesmaid 职业伴娘

    22-10-12 英国伦敦34岁的女子蒂凡尼莱特(Tiffany Wright)是一名专业卧底伴娘。她以宾客的身份参加婚礼,实际上却是位伴娘,帮助新娘应对婚礼上的各种状况,活跃婚礼气氛。 A woman has forged a career as a professional bridesmaid after making it her mission to help stres...

  • 已婚男人出轨 多从伴娘“下手”

    11-08-07 They have been under the spotlight somewhat recently - it started with Pippa Middleton - in that dress - followed by the release of Bridesmaids last month. 从皮帕米德尔顿身着伴娘礼服开始,到上月电影《伴娘》的上映,近段时间来伴娘这一人群颇受关注。 Fo...
