• 表示良好的情绪

    22-08-11 The future looks very bright/rosy. 未来是光明的。 She brightened up when she heard the news. 她听到那个消息就开心了起来。 His face lit up when he saw them. 他看到他们,面露喜色。 They had shining eyes and beaming/dazzling smiles. 他们眼眸明亮,笑容...

  • 安慰他人 上

    22-07-27 1. Are you okay? Im here for you. 你还好吧?我会一直在的。 2. Dont worry, everything will be fine. 别担心,一切都会好的。 3. Time heals all wounds. 时间能治愈一切。 4. I can understand your feelings; I feel the same way. 我能体会你的感受;我感同身受...

  • 洁身自好

    21-01-08 洁身自好的意思是保持自身的纯洁,不同流合污。也指怕招惹是非,只关心自己,不关心公众事情。可以翻译为keep oneself unspotted from the world或remain unspotted from the world. 例句: 她不太聪明,但是她洁身自好。 She is not very bright, but she remains uns...

  • Look on the bright side 往好处想,看到好的一面

    20-10-26 动词短语 look on the bright side 可以用来描述某人试图从一个消极的情况中看到积极的一面。这个短语多用来表达某人拥有积极乐观人生态度。Look on the bright side 也可以简写为 on the bright side。 例句 My old bike got stolen, but on the bright side, the ins...

  • The future looks bright 前途一片光明

    20-10-26 人们常用表达 the future looks bright 来表示 对未来将要发生的事情持乐观的态度。你也可以用 ones future looks bright 来表示 某人将在未来的职业生涯中取得成功。 例句 The future looks bright for the company theyve just broken their sales record. 这家公司...

  • 石头的理想

    12-09-28 The pure, the bright, the beautiful, That stirred our hearts in youth, The impulses to wordless prayer, The dreams of love and truth; The longing after something's lost, The spirit's yearning cry, The striving after better hopes- These things can ne...

  • Gum 19恒星形成星云的亮面与暗面

    10-04-01 Gum 19 is located in the direction of the constellation(星座,荟萃) Vela (the Sail) at a distance of approximately 22 000 light years. The Gum 19 moniker(绰号,名字) derives from(源于,来自) a 1955 publication by the Australian astrophysicist...
