• eye broccoli 长相普通,没什么姿色的人

    14-01-22 Eye broccoli refers to an unattractive person. This is the physical antithesis of eye candy, a phrase that first starting appearing in print in the mid-1980s and refers to visually appealing persons or effects used to draw mass attention. (Source: W...

  • eye broccoli 长得不好看的人

    13-10-31 Eye broccoli refers to an unattractive person. It is the exact opposite of eye candy. Eye broccoli指的是长得不好看的人。它和eye candy(外表悦目的人)正相反。 Examples: You wanted eye candy? Too bad. You get eye broccoli. 你喜欢漂亮人儿?糟糕的是,你...

  • Honesty test 'should be reviewed' 城市测试应该被“重新审视”

    09-09-07 Researchers say the current honesty test used in courts should be reviewed after finding big differences in what is judged to be a dishonest act. 研究人员称,法庭现行的诚实测试被发现与真实结果之间有很大差异。 Snapping broccoli was judged only a litt...
