• bronze ceiling 青铜天花板

    22-09-29 英国工党领袖杰里米科尔宾(Jeremy Corbyn)在上周将一封签名的信件发到英国《卫报》。信中呼吁打破bronze ceiling 青铜天花板,并庆祝玛莉渥斯顿克雷福特(Mary Wollstonecraft)非凡的一生和遗产。 共同签署该信的还有其他40位英国政界和文化界知名人士,信中的一个...

  • 回归青铜虎v亮相国家博物馆

    19-01-30 An ancient bronze tiger kettle has made its debut at Chinas National Museum on Tuesday, January 29, 2019. 一件青铜虎鎣周二在中国国家博物馆亮相。 159 years after it was plundered by the British army during its destruction of the Old Summer Palace in...

  • 中国被抢青铜文物41万英镑被拍卖

    18-04-12 A bronze relic allegedly looted from China has been sold for 410,000 British pounds (around 581,500 U.S. dollars) at an auction in the United Kingdom despite strong opposition from China, reports Chinanews.com. 中新网报道,一件据称从中国抢来的青铜文...

  • 秦代古墓发现有2000多年历史的酒

    18-03-19 Archaeologists have unearthed a bronze kettle containing liquor from a Qin Dynasty tomb, dating back more than 2,000 years in west Chinas Shaanxi Province. 考古学家在陕西省一座2000多年历史的秦代古墓中发现一个青铜壶,里边盛着酒。 The kettle is a sacr...

  • 考古学家发现一条史前黄金贸易路线

    15-06-09 Archaeologists at the University of Southampton have found evidence of an ancient gold trade route between the south-west of the UK and Ireland. A study suggests people were trading gold between the two countries as far back as the early Bronze Age...

  • 考古学家发现铁器时代战车上的青铜装饰

    14-10-15 University of Leicester archaeologists have made a once-in-a-career discovery of the decorated bronze remains of an Iron Age chariot. A team from the University's School of Archaeology and Ancient History has unearthed a hoard of rare bronze fitting...

  • 爱琴海文明比预期提前结束100年

    14-10-10 Conventional estimates for the collapse of the Aegean civilization may be incorrect by up to a century, according to new radiocarbon analyses. While historical chronologies traditionally place the end of the Greek Bronze Age at around 1025 BCE, this...

  • 首座乔布斯铜像亮相布达佩斯

    11-12-31 全球首座乔布斯铜像21日在匈牙利首都布达佩斯亮相。这尊铜像是匈牙利著名建筑设计软件制造商Graphisoft为纪念乔布斯而打造的,铜像坐落在公司总部大楼附近。 A man takes pictures with his iPad during the unveiling ceremony of a statue of the late Apple co-foun...

  • 东非发掘出古青铜器

    11-11-15 A team of researchers led by the University of Colorado Boulder has discovered the first prehistoric(史前的) bronze artifact(手工艺品) made from a cast ever found in Alaska, a small, buckle-like object found in an ancient Eskimo dwelling and whi...
