• tar with the same brush 一杆子打翻一船人

    22-08-25 前两天,我和朋友逛街时路过一家PIZZA连锁店,我想进去吃饭,可朋友说,她在这个品牌的另外一家店吃过,那里的服务糟透了,所以,这家店的服务一定也很差。她说什么也不在这里吃。虽然PIZZA没吃到,但朋友的做法让我想起了一个习惯用语,那就是:Tar with the same bru...

  • Foundation 粉底

    22-01-25 今天向各位仙女们主要推荐的是遮瑕度中等及高等(light/medium/full coverage)的粉底液和近几年风大到糊眼睛的气垫(cushion)! 目的:Creating a flawless complexion均匀肤色,遮住瑕疵,缔造完美肌肤。 手法:取黄豆粒大小的量,点涂在脸上各个区域,用化妆刷(brush)...

  • tar somebody/something with the same brush 一竿子打翻一船人

    21-06-11 一竿子打翻一船人,中文俗语,意思是因为对某人或某物不满意,就否定和他们类似的人或物。与英文俗语tar somebody/something with the same brush意思相近,表示to unfairly categorize someone or something as being the same as another person or thing, usually i...

  • 科学顾问整理的刷牙注意事项

    16-08-27 How often? The best way to prevent tooth decay is to brush teeth twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste to remove plaque, limit the frequency, and amount of sugary food and drinks consumed in your diet, and see the dentist regularly. Donts 1. Brush...

  • 发廊常用词

    16-02-14 sink 水槽 barber's chair 理发师的椅子 mirror 镜子 curling iron 卷发棒 comb 梳子 brush 刷子 hair dryer 吹风机 scissors 剪子 shampoo 洗发水 mousse 摩斯 shaving cream 剃须膏 razor 剃刀 hair clip 发夹 bobby pins 发夹 hair spray 发胶 styling gel 发胶 tow...

  • MaLiang and His Magical Writing Brush

    13-07-11 There was once a boy called MaLiang. His family was very poor, so poor that he couldn't afford a writing brush. One day on his way home after herding the cattle, he passed by a private school. He saw a painter was painting for an officer. MaLiang lo...

  • 美容化妆词汇

    12-11-26 oily 油性皮肤 pack 剥撕式面膜 peeling 剥落式面膜 remover 去除、卸妆 repair 修护 revitalite 活化 scrub 磨砂式去角质 sensitive 敏感性皮肤 sun block 防晒用 toning lotion 化妆水 cosmetic applicators/accessories 化妆工具 cosmetic brush, face brush 粉刷 p...

  • 研究:刷牙会降低心脏病风险

    10-05-28 People who fail to brush their teeth twice a day are putting themselves at risk of heart disease, say researchers. 研究人员称,未能达到一天刷牙两次的人将有患心脏病的风险。 Dentists recommend brushing twice a day A Scottish study of more than 11,000...
