• school bullying 校园欺凌

    16-05-31 The campaign aims to curb school bullying in primary and middle schools, including physical and verbal bullying. Cyberspace bullying will also be targeted. 此次治理意在遏制发生在中小学学生之间通过肢体、语言以及网络等手段实施的校园欺凌。 校园欺凌(sc...

  • 七成英国人曾被上次刁难

    11-06-18 Brits are among the most bullied workers in the world - with a staggering seven in ten having been picked on by bosses or colleagues, a new study found. 一项新研究发现,英国人在职场上所受的欺凌是全世界最多的,多达七成的英国人曾经被上司或同事刁难。 M...
