• 怀孕

    22-08-15 英语中直接表达怀孕的词是pregnant,不过在大多数情况下,对于女性怀孕也不会直接说pregnant这个字,而是绕着弯子说,好比中文里我们用有了来指代怀孕。 英语里谈到怀孕可以这样说:She is expecting(她在待产中);She is in a delicate condition(她正怀孕中);She is...

  • 女星身穿的各种靓装和配饰

    17-01-23 Gown:用在红毯场合指的是礼服,比如evening gown就是指晚礼服。Gown可以泛指女人穿的长服,尤指教士、法官、教授等的礼服或妇女的睡衣等,也指长袍。 Ruffles:衣服的褶裥花边,比如:You will need 12 yards of ribbon facing for the ruffles. (你将需要12码丝带为...

  • Man Bun 男式发髻

    15-09-17 This new hairstyle is challenging stereotypes everywhere, the Man Bun is when hair is pulled back from the forehead and tied into a little bun just below the crown of the head, and there can be some hair left out if that is what you desire. 这种新式...

  • 美国单亲爸爸为女儿盘发髻走红网络

    15-02-23 A single dad in Colorado has easily become a strong contender for 'Father of the Year' 近日,美国科罗拉多州一位单亲爸爸轻而易举地成为年度爸爸的热门人...

  • 麦兜经典中英文对白

    09-12-21 《麦兜响当当》掀起了暑假一轮华语动画的热潮。其实早在几年前,《麦兜故事》就已经享誉海内外,不妨来看看麦兜经典的抢包山和鱼蛋粗面的双语对白吧。 Dear Chairman 亲爱的主席: How are you? I am fine. You like bun? I like bun! 你好吗?我很好。你吃包子吗?我吃...
