• An Irishman, A Mexican, And A Blond Guy Were Having Lunch

    22-03-09 An Irishman, a Mexican and a Blonde Guy were doing construction work on scaffolding on the 20th floor of a building. They were eating lunch and the Irishman said, Corned beef and cabbage! If I get corned beef and cabbage one more time for lunch, Im...

  • 热菜牛肉类英文译名3

    13-08-28 红油牛头 Ox Head with Chili Oil 胡萝卜炖牛肉 Stewed Beef with Carrots 湖南牛肉 Beef, Hunan Style 家常烧蹄筋 Home-Style Braised Beef Tendon 家乡小炒肉 Country-Style Sauted Beef Fillet 尖椒香芹牛肉丝 Sauted Shredded Beef with Hot Pepper and Celery 姜...

  • 韩国白菜涨价 泡菜价格水涨船高

    10-10-16 入秋以来,韩国国内白菜价格不断飙升,致使泡菜制作成本随之攀升。据当地报纸报道,韩国国内的白菜价格8月份为2480韩元(合2.1美元)5斤,到9月29日已上涨至1.15万韩元(合10.3美元)5斤。 Freak weather this year has sent the price of kimchis basic ingredient Ch...
