• Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 42

    22-07-18 There was a general disturbance. Flanagan and two or three more went on to the music-hall, while Philip walked slowly with Clutton and Lawson to the Closerie des Lilas. You must go to the Gaite Montparnasse, said Lawson to him. Its one of the loveli...

  • 东京一家“写作咖啡馆”火了

    22-05-16 最近,日本东京一家写作咖啡馆火了。这家咖啡馆只允许有迫在眉睫写作任务的文字工作者进入。而且,一旦到店,不完成任务的话,工作人员是不会放你走的。 The Manuscript Writing Cafe only allows in people who have a writing deadline to face! owner Takuya Kawai...