• 8个与pie和cake相关的习语

    22-06-07 1. take the cake: 名列第一;优胜 Of all the hard-hearted women, she takes the cake. 女性中能像她那么铁石心肠的,恐怕再也没谁了。 2. eat humble pie: 忍气吞声;低头认罪 I think Im right, but if Im wrong, Ill eat humble pie. 我觉得我是对的。不过如果能...

  • 英式下午茶

    21-02-27 英式下午茶,从来都是绅士、淑女,以及上流身份的代表。浓郁的茶香,配合精致、美味的各色茶点,带来的一定是一段美好而难忘的下午时光。不过,享用英式下午茶可不是随意的事情,需要认真对待,需要注意礼节。 The British have many traditions but there is nothing...

  • 烘焙高手做电影主题蛋糕

    15-10-05 An incredible gran is bringing movies to life - and, better still, you can eat them. 一个不可思议的老太太把电影做活了,更妙的是,她做的东西可以吃。 Carole Gregory, a talented artist, creates astonishingly detailed cakes by transforming her favourite...

  • 大肠菌超标 宜家全球召回数千蛋糕

    13-03-10 Ikea has recalled thousands of cakes from its stores in 23 countries after Chinese authorities identified high levels of bacteria normally found in human and animal waste. 宜家从23个国家的连锁店召回了数千个蛋糕,因为中国当局在宜家蛋糕中发现了大量人...

  • 柠檬蛋黄酱三文鱼蛋糕

    12-12-02 Mashed potato 200g (use leftovers or buy ready-made) Tinned red salmon 200g, bones and skin removed Spring onions 2, finely sliced Egg 1, beaten Flour Breadcrumbs 4tbsp Oil for frying Mayonnaise 3tbsp mixed with tbsp lemon juice Mix the mash, salmon...

  • King Alfred and the Cakes

    12-06-21 King ALFRED O f England once led his army to fight with another army and was beaten. So he had to run away through the woods and swamps(沼泽,湿地) to save his life. One evening he came to a woodcutter's hut. He was very tired and hungry, so he be...
