• 用英语谈论“元宵节”

    22-10-19 1. Lantern Festival ______ the end of the Chinese New Year period. a) falls b) marks c) continues d) reminds 2. It is ______ on the 15th day of the first month of the lunar calendar. a) remembered b) supported c) celebrated d) recognised 3. In 2019...

  • 有关 “春节” 的英语表达

    21-04-29 你会用英语描述新春佳节的传统习俗吗?怎样用英语祝福人们 新年快乐?农历、阴历、十二生肖 的英语说法是什么?做六道小题,学习用来谈论春节的英语表达。 1. What greeting is typically given in British English at New Year? a) Merry New Year! b) Bon New Year!...

  • 2021年比往年短吗?

    21-04-13 科学家们发现,目前地球的自转速度比过去50年来的任何时候都要快。专家们认为,2021年将会是几十年来最短的一年。不过,我们是不是应该在这一年结束前争分夺秒,抓紧时间? Time waits for no man or so the saying goes. We cant stop time and we cant control it, a...

  • 为什么闰年不是每四年一次

    20-09-19 2020 is a leap year, and as we all know leap years happen every four years, right? Wrong. That extra day in February is designed to keep the Earth in sync with the astrological or seasonal year. But, what you might not realise is that the maths isnt...

  • 2016年普京日历 你值得拥有

    16-01-02 Brace yourself for the Putin 2016 calendar. 2016年普京日历,你值得拥有。 Famous for his topless horse riding, shirtless fishing and bare-chested shooting, Russian president Vladimir Putin has been celebrated in the Putin 2016 calendar, produced by R...

  • 最古老玛雅历法:2012年不是世界末日

    12-05-21 The earliest known Mayan calendar has been found in an ancient house in Guatemala and it offers no hint that the world's end is imminent, researchers said Thursday. 研究人员上周四称,考古学家在危地马拉的一处遗址中发现了已知最古老的玛雅历法,里面并未...

  • 普京生日 12女生拍摄性感挂历庆祝

    10-10-09 今年10月7日是俄罗斯总理普京58岁的生日,一群俄罗斯女大学生为了给普京庆生,专门拍摄和制作了一本她们身穿内衣的性感挂历,该系列性感挂历已于本周二和周三分别在莫斯科两家大型超市公开发售,每册售价260卢布(约合8.71美元)。 The Russian women are all named as...

  • 捷克女议员拍摄挂历庆女性政治地位提高

    10-07-17 在捷克今年5月举行的大选中,女性获得的议会席位超过以往。捷克公共事务党的四位女议员特别拍摄了一套2011年的挂历照以庆祝这一胜利。照片中,女议员们一改往日议员古板、严肃的形象,衣着大胆暴露,姿势暧昧撩人,丝毫不比专业模特逊色。 Female members of the Czech...

  • The Chinese Horoscope

    09-09-30 The Chinese calendar contains cycles of twelve years. A different animal represents each year. The first year of the cycle is the year of the rat. After that comes the year of the ox, the year of the tiger, the rabbit, the dragon, the snake, the hor...
