• Words to Live by 2

    12-04-26 Don't let a little dispute break up a great friendship; Whenever you find your wrongdoing, be quick with reparation! Whenever you make a phone call smil when you pick up the phone, because someone feel it! Marry a person who likes talking; because w...

  • Courtesy call 促销电话

    12-04-24 Courtesy call is a sugarcoated term used by telemarketers which really means sales call. This is one of the most deceitful and misleading phrases ever since there is nothing courteous about it. Courtesy call(字面意思:礼节性电话)是被电话促销员巧妙...

  • 《良医妙药》三

    11-12-01 精彩对白 Mrs. Crowley: I'm not gonna say it again. It is bedtime now. Megan: It's for him. Dr. Stonehill: Me? Megan: For good luck. For bass fishing. Dr. Stonehill: Thank you. Megan: You like it? Dr. Stonehill: Well, sure. A happy-go-lucky little fe...

  • 《其实你不懂他的心》二

    11-10-18 影片对白 Alex: Look, you seem like a cool girl, so I'm just gonna be honest with you. Conor's never gonna call you. Gigi: Oh, really. How do you know? Alex: Because I'm a guy, and it's just how we do it. Gigi: He said it was nice meeting me. Alex: I...

  • 英国1/4老板会在假期打电话给员工

    11-08-09 One in four managers thinks it's OK to call their workers while they're on holiday, according to a new report. 一项新报告称,1/4的经理认为在员工休假时打电话给他们没什么大不了的。 A study of 2,000 employers and employees revealed millions of staff sh...

  • let's go primitive 还是打电话吧

    10-11-17 你用手机吗?如果回答是,那么你喜欢发短信还是直接打电话呢?有人说从对这两种交流方式的不同偏好就可以判定一个人的年龄段,一般30岁以上的都倾向于打电话,而30岁以下的小年轻们则喜欢信来信去,喜欢短信发出后等待回复时期待的感觉。不过要是遇上复杂的事情,我猜1...

  • people voice 生人语调

    10-10-11 上大学的时候看过一本书叫做《24重人格》,说的是一个人的身体里藏着24个不同的性格侧面,每个侧面都表现出截然不同的处事风格。当然,这应该是个极端的例子。我们平常人身体里能有个两三面就已经很复杂了,哪里受得了那么多个自己进进出出呢。我们今天要说的这个表达...

  • Love is a telephone 爱情是一部电话机

    10-07-27 Love is a telephone which always keeps silent when you are longing for(渴望) a call, but rings when you are not ready for it. As a result, we often miss the sweetness from the other end. Love is a telephone which is seldom program-controlled or di...

  • Obama calls for Mid-East urgency 奥巴马呼吁中东和平会谈

    09-09-23 US President Barack Obama has called on Israeli and Palestinian leaders to act with a sense of urgency in restarting stalled peace talks. 美国总统呼吁以色列、巴基斯坦领导以一种紧迫感重新开始陷入僵局的会谈。 Mr Obama was speaking in New York where he...

  • Call for debate on killer robots 号召讨论杀手机器人的使用

    09-08-04 An international debate is needed on the use of autonomous military robots, a leading academic has said. 一个领导性的学术研究称,关于自主军队机器人的使用还需要一个国际性的讨论。 Noel Sharkey of the University of Sheffield said that a push toward mor...