• 43头骆驼因使用医美手段被沙特官方取消参加选美比赛资格

    21-12-16 沙特阿拉伯一年一度的阿卜杜勒-阿齐兹国王骆驼节又开始了。评委们将根据骆驼的头、脖子、驼峰等进行全方位评分,选出最美骆驼,颁发大奖。据外媒报道,这次比赛中超过40头骆驼因使用医美手段提升容貌而被取消参赛资格。这也是沙特史上最大的一次骆驼选美作假案。 In an...

  • 阿联酋奢侈品公司为骆驼量身定做衣服

    15-01-16 If high quality sportswear can improve performance in human athletes, then it technically should work for animals as well. 如果高品质的运动服能让运动员如虎添翼,那么按理来说这种方法也应同样适用于动物。 Testing this theory is UAE-based camel and hors...

  • Story of the Blind Baba-Abdalla 2

    14-05-14 My brother, I said, I am unwilling to part from you without pointing out what I think you scarcely grasp, that large experience of camel-driving is necessary to anybody who intends to keep together a troop of thirty. In your own interest, I feel sur...

  • 冠状病毒可能源自单峰驼

    13-08-09 Dromedary camels could be responsible for passing to humans the deadly Mers coronavirus that emerged last year, research suggests. 研究显示,单峰骆驼可能是向人类传播致命冠状病毒的元凶。 Tests have shown the Mers (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) vi...

  • 澳洲拟捕杀野生骆驼抵御全球变暖

    11-06-11 Australia is considering proposals to kill all the wild camels that roam the outback as part of its contribution to fighting global warming. 为抵御全球气候变暖,澳大利亚正考虑接受捕杀所有内陆地区野生骆驼的建议。 The 1.2 million camels, considered pe...
