• 欧洲新气象卫星进入轨道

    23-01-29 近日,一颗重要的欧洲卫星已被送入预定轨道。气象卫星 Meteosat-12 搭乘阿丽亚娜火箭从法属圭亚那的库鲁航天发射中心起飞,开启了天气预报的新时代。 The value to society of satellite meteorology is immense. In terms of lives saved and infrastructure damage t...

  • 《飞屋环游记》第6章

    23-01-28 A bulldog sniffed greedily at the ground, following the birds tracks. The tracks stopped suddenly, and the dog sniffed madly. Oh, here it is, he said after a moment. I picked up the birds scent. The dogs name was Gamma, and he wore a high-tech colla...

  • 《赛车总动员》第18章

    22-11-16 In a moment, the town was swarmed with reporters, photographers, and camera vans. The reporters jostled Sally out of the way as they descended onto Lightning, asking him questions a mile a minute. One reporter barked, Did you have a nervous breakdow...

  • 美国相关部门正在评估特斯拉Autopilot的性能

    22-08-22 据路透社8月18日报道,美国国家公路交通安全管理局要求特斯拉公司回应有关其监测驾驶员注意力的车内摄像头的问题。该机构对搭载了自动辅助驾驶系统Autopilot的83万辆特斯拉汽车开展调查,评估特斯拉Autopilot的性能。 US auto safety regulators on Thursday asked Tes...

  • stage a photo 摆拍

    21-11-19 摆拍,指仅以摄影为目的搭建或虚构的场景,进行拍摄(Photographs that capture staged or artificially constructed scenes made only for the purpose of photography),英文翻译为pose somebody for the camera,stage a photo或staged photography。 与摆拍相反的...

  • Good for you! 干得漂亮!

    21-11-02 这句话和congratulations(恭喜)的意思接近,不过不论成就大小都可以用。此外,同样的意思还可以用另一个短语:Way to go。 例: A: I was accepted to 5 universities! 我被5所大学录取了! B: Wow, good for you! 哇,你太厉害了! 如果别人尝试失败了但还要鼓励对方,...

  • 和“摄影”有关的词汇

    21-10-02 摄影术的发明为我们记录美好瞬间提供了可能。如果你是个 摄影发烧友,那么每年六月二十九日的 相机日 Camera Day 可得好好庆祝一番了。与 相机 或 摄影技术 有关的词汇你知道多少?不妨做本集《英语小测验》六道小题。 1. Which one of these is another word for a ph...

  • 为什么照片中的自己没有镜子中的自己好看?

    21-05-22 原因一:脸的呈现方式不一致 镜子里的脸是我们最为舒服、熟悉的,但这不是照片中我们的样子。 Its a reflection, so it shows how we look like in reverse. 它是一个倒影,展现的是我们翻转的样子。 We see ourselves in the mirror all the timeyou brush your teeth...