• eye broccoli 长相普通,没什么姿色的人

    14-01-22 Eye broccoli refers to an unattractive person. This is the physical antithesis of eye candy, a phrase that first starting appearing in print in the mid-1980s and refers to visually appealing persons or effects used to draw mass attention. (Source: W...

  • 德国公司研发防蛀牙糖果

    13-12-06 德国柏林一家公司研发了一种防蛀牙糖果,这对那些喜欢吃甜食的人真是好消息。 It may sound too good to be true, but German researchers have created a sugar-free candy they say can actually fight cavities. The development, reported by Medical News Today,...

  • eye broccoli 长得不好看的人

    13-10-31 Eye broccoli refers to an unattractive person. It is the exact opposite of eye candy. Eye broccoli指的是长得不好看的人。它和eye candy(外表悦目的人)正相反。 Examples: You wanted eye candy? Too bad. You get eye broccoli. 你喜欢漂亮人儿?糟糕的是,你...

  • thumb candy 不用动脑的游戏

    13-04-27 Thumb candy refers to any computer game that requires little thought or strategy and focusing on hand-eye coordination. The term is a play on eye candy, which refers to visually appealing persons or effects. Thumb candy指那些仅考验手眼协调能力无需动...

  • Brain candy 脑轻松

    12-04-17 Brain candy describes an experience that is enjoyable because it stimulates the mind pleasantly, but doesn't actually make it work, usually in reference to light and fluffy books, movies, TV shows, and other entertainment. Brain candy(脑轻松)指让...

  • 美牙医诊所回收万圣节糖果

    11-10-29 万圣节过后,孩子们手里的糖果将去向何处?不如按一磅一美元的价格卖给牙医吧。美国一个名为万圣节糖果回购的项目每年都会在万圣节后向孩子们回收糖果,之后作为节日特别包裹寄送给美国驻在海外的部队。 Simply asking a child for her candy the day after Halloween...

  • Man candy 草包美男

    11-10-26 Man candy is a man who is superficially attractive to look at or a man who has an attractive appearance but who may be vapid and lack substance. Man candy(草包美男)指外表很吸引人的男子;或者徒有迷人外表,但其实很无趣又没有内涵的男子。 For example:...

  • eye candy 养眼花瓶

    11-01-19 A common slang term for visually appealing persons or effects used to draw mass attention is eye candy . The implication is that they are eye-catching in a superficial fashion. Like actual candy, this addition is seen to be neither nutritious nor su...

  • “糖果”词汇

    10-07-22 milk slice 奶片 odd taste bean 怪味豆 fruit jellies 果冻 confectionery for decorating Christmas trees 圣诞树装饰用糖果 almond confectionery 杏仁糖 peanut confectionery 花生糖 stick liquorice 甘草茎糖 candy for food 食用糖果 fruit juice jelly 果汁软...

  • Russian army rations to swap cigarettes for candy: general

    09-08-08 Russia will no longer include free cigarettes in its food rations for servicemen but will compensate by providing them with candy, a top general said Thursday. We are no longer buying cigarettes for the armed forces and are replacing them with caram...