• lever women 杠杆女

    16-08-24 The term lever women refers to wives or girlfriends who play their advantages to the full to help their husbands or boyfriends succeed in careers. Such women are compared to levers to lift their husbands or boyfriends. 杠杆女指充分发挥自己的优势和特...

  • 2014年度职业排行榜

    14-05-11 职业评估网站发布了最新的2014年度职业排行榜:从最热门到最冷门的200种职业。 CareerCast has released their annual Jobs Rated 2014: Ranking 200 Jobs From Best to Worst. Since 1988, this report has helped Americans learn more about potential careers by e...

  • 公众人物寿命普遍较短

    13-04-19 澳大利亚的研究人员在对《纽约时报》2009年到2011年期间的1000条讣告分析后发现,演员、歌手及体育明星等事业成功的公众人物寿命普遍都比其他领域的成功人士短,且艺人当中患癌症,尤其是肺部肿瘤的比例比较高。 Having a glittering(闪闪发光的) career in the publ...

  • 女理科教授与母亲的身份相冲突

    12-02-25 Children are being asked to organise weddings for their parents as part of a BBC drive to reflect modern Britain. 为了反映现代英国风貌,BBC一档栏目邀请孩子们为自己的父母组织婚礼。 Traditionally, it was the parents of the bride who worried about plan...
