• 生物学家发现脑瘤细胞的弱点

    15-04-09 Biologists at MIT and the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research have discovered a vulnerability of brain cancer cells that could be exploited to develop more-effective drugs against brain tumors. The study, led by researchers from the Whitehea...

  • 用声波将癌细胞从血细胞中分离

    15-04-08 Separating circulating cancer cells from blood cells for diagnostic, prognostic and treatment purposes may become much easier using an acoustic separation method and an inexpensive, disposable chip, according to a team of engineers. Looking for circ...

  • 纳米比亚荒漠仙女圈与皮肤细胞有类似的模式

    15-04-08 Patterns appearing on both the very large and very small scale are extremely rare, but researchers at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) in Japan have found a similar pattern in two apparently unrelated systems --...

  • 烤面包的关键是加料的一致性

    15-03-17 Whether you're baking bread or building an organism, the key to success is consistently adding ingredients in the correct order and in the right amounts, according to a new genetic study by University of Michigan researchers. Using the baker's yeast...

  • 桥粒斑蛋白的尾巴

    15-03-04 Cells control the adhesion protein desmoplakin by modifying the tail end of the protein, and this process goes awry in some patients with arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy, according to a study in The Journal of Cell Biology. Desmoplakin is a key compon...

  • 蛋白质Sall4能促进DNA修复

    15-03-03 A protein that helps embryonic stem cells (ESCs) retain their identity also promotes DNA repair, according to a study in The Journal of Cell Biology. The findings raise the possibility that the protein, Sall4, performs a similar role in cancer cells...

  • CTCF蛋白对细胞正常发育有重要作用

    15-02-27 Scientists at NYU Langone Medical Center and New York University have demonstrated that a specialized DNA-binding protein called CTCF is essential for the precise expression of genes that control the body plan of a developing embryo. The findings, t...

  • 科学家成功将人体衰老细胞转换成年轻细胞

    15-02-23 Eternal youth could be one step closer following the successful transformation of old human cells into young ones. 随着科学家成功地将人体衰老细胞转换成年轻的细胞,人类距离青春永驻的梦想将更近一步。 The process increases the length of the 'telomeres'...

  • 物品有好闻的气味事出有因

    15-01-29 Antioxidants are natural food ingredients that protect cells from harmful influences. Their main task is to neutralize so-called free radicals which are produced in the process of oxidation and which are responsible for cell degeneration. Scientists...

  • 用干细胞再生新头发

    15-01-28 In a new study from Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute (Sanford-Burnham), researchers have used human pluripotent stem cells to generate new hair. The study represents the first step toward the development of a cell-based treatment for peopl...