• 新研究发现 红枣能抗癌

    18-07-22 The trendy superfood red dates from Asia kill cancer cells in the lab, new research suggests. 新研究发现,亚洲流行的超级食物红枣能杀死实验室里的癌细胞。 Jujube fruits, which are known as red dates due to them looking similar to the Middle-Eastern st...

  • 罐装食品可能有损消化系统

    18-04-21 The next time you opt for canned foods such as corn, tuna, asparagus or chicken, think twice. They may contain zinc oxide that can potentially damage your digestive system, warn researchers. 下次你选择吃罐装食品,比如玉米罐头、金枪鱼罐头、芦笋罐头或...

  • 中国发布干细胞研究通用标准

    17-11-23 A general standard on research in stem cell technology was published in China on Wednesday. 中国周三发布干细胞技术研究通用标准。 The document introduces general requirements on screening of donors, tissue collection, cell separation and preservation...

  • 四种活动可以帮助脑细胞增长

    17-06-10 控制热量摄入 Watching what you eat and practicing self-control at mealtimes could benefit more than just your waistline. According to Mental Health Daily, restricting your calories helps to elicit a stress response in the body, and while this may so...

  • 干细胞有望用于造血

    17-05-24 Blood donors may no longer be needed in the future after scientists showed it was possible to create blood from stem cells. 科学家们表明干细胞有望用于造血,未来可能不再需要献血者。 The 20 year project could pave the way for an unlimited number of bl...

  • 科学家用干细胞成功培育哺乳动物胚胎

    17-03-13 Artificial human life could soon be grown from scratch in the lab, after scientists successfully created a mammal embryo using only stem cells. 在科学家成功利用干细胞培育出哺乳动物胚胎后,人工制造的人类胚胎很快也将能够被培育出来。 Cambridge Universi...

  • 动物的衰老过程有可能逆转

    16-12-28 An end to grey hair and crows-feet could be just 10 years away after scientists showed it is possible to reverse ageing in animals. 科学家发现,动物的衰老过程有可能逆转。从此以后,可能仅需10年,人类就可以告别白发丛生,满脸皱纹的命运。 Using a new te...

  • 科学家发现修复受损基因的方法

    16-12-04 Scientists have discovered how to edit DNA to repair broken genes to cure incurable diseases - and potentially extend human lifespan. 科学家已经发现如何通过编辑DNA来修复受损基因,从而治愈绝症并有可能延长人类寿命。 Until now, it has not been possible...

  • 研究:生过孩子的女性老得更快

    16-11-23 Women who give birth may be biologically older than women who dont, a new study suggests. 一项新研究发现,生过孩子的女性在生理上会比那些没有生过的更老。 For the study, the researchers analyzed information from 1,556 US women ages 20 to 44 who took p...

  • 长痘痘的人生理上看起来更为年轻

    16-11-02 If your teenage son or daughter is blighted by acne, they can take heart. 如果你那处在青春期的儿子女儿正饱受粉刺痤疮的摧残,那么是时候振作起来了。 For while they may feel greasy and unattractive at the moment, by middle age they will be the envy of...