• 单细胞注射术研制成功

    10-08-10 Duke University physicists have developed a way to produce sharp fluid jets with enough precision that they can inject material into a single, living cell. The technique promises a way to deliver drugs to cells one at a time, which is likely to be v...

  • 新细胞标签技术有利于更好地研究

    10-08-04 Scientists hoping to understand how cells work may get a boost from a new technique to tag and image proteins within living mammalian(哺乳类) cells. The new technique, developed by a research team led by University of Illinois at Chicago assistant...

  • 更稳定的燃料电池新配方问世

    10-08-03 In the quest for efficient, cost-effective and commercially viable(可行的) fuel cells, scientists at Cornell University's Energy Materials Center have discovered a catalyst(催化剂) and catalyst-support combination that could make fuel cells more...

  • 微RNA可有效保护红血球

    10-08-02 Pediatric(小儿科的) researchers have discovered a new biological pathway in which small segments of RNA, called microRNA, help protect red blood cells from injury caused by chemicals called free radicals(自由基) . The microRNA seems to have only...

  • 研究人员发现身体产生红细胞的关键步骤

    10-08-02 Researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have uncovered a key step in the creation of new red blood cells in an animal study. They found that a tiny fragment of ribonucleic acid ( RNA核糖核酸 ), a chemical cousin of DNA, prompts stem cells to m...

  • 研究人员精准找到影响饮食和性欲的干细胞

    10-07-22 New research, published in the journal Development, by Dr. Anthony-Samuel LaMantia, professor of Pharmacology Physiology and director of the newly formed GW Institute for Neuroscience, and his colleagues have identified the stem cells that generate...

  • 结肠癌治疗中对使用药物西妥昔单抗的新建议

    10-07-19 In a report published in the July 2010 issue of the American Society for Clinical Oncology(肿瘤学) Post, new recommendations on the use of the drug cetuximab(西妥昔单抗) have been issued after officials halted enrollment in a phase III clinical...

  • 人体大脑内星形胶质细胞控制着呼吸

    10-07-16 Astrocytes(星形胶质细胞) - brain cells named after their characteristic star-shape and previously thought to act only as the 'glue' between neurons(神经原) , have a central role in the regulation of breathing, according to scientists. The findin...

  • 探索细胞的资源回收功能

    10-07-15 In cells, as in cities, disposing of garbage and recycling anything that can be reused is an essential service. In both city and cell, health problems can arise when the process breaks down. New research by University of Michigan cell biologist Haox...

  • 利用电磁场触发纳米粒子传导药物

    10-07-09 A new system for the controlled delivery of pharmaceutical(制药的) drugs has been developed by a team of University of Rhode Island chemical engineers using nanoparticles embedded(嵌入) in a liposome(脂质体) that can be triggered by non-invasi...