• 九价HPV疫苗中国上市

    18-05-30 A hospital in south Chinas Hainan Province has become the first in China to offer 9-valent HPV vaccine, reports China National Radio. 中央人民广播电台报道,海南省某医院成为中国首家九价HPV疫苗的医院。 The first batch of shots, more than 2000 in all,...

  • 9阶乳头瘤病毒疫苗可预防80%的宫颈癌

    15-05-12 The new 9-valent human papillomavirus vaccine, can potentially prevent 80 percent of cervical cancers in the United States, if given to all 11- or 12-year-old children before they are exposed to the virus. In addition to protecting against 80 percen...

  • 子宫颈癌常规检查效果不完全准确

    10-03-20 Testing for human papillomavirus during cervical screening does not help doctors identify women at risk of cancer, a study suggests. 一项调查显示,子宫颈癌常规检查中对乳头瘤病毒的检测并不能帮助医生辨别出有患癌症风险的女性。 Minor abnormalities in sm...
