• 黄石公园超级火山地下岩浆

    15-04-28 University of Utah seismologists discovered and made images of a reservoir of hot, partly molten rock 12 to 28 miles beneath the Yellowstone supervolcano, and it is 4.4 times larger than the shallower, long-known magma chamber. The hot rock in the n...

  • 英上议院建议议员玩游戏 掌握高科技

    11-08-27 继允许议员们携带iPad和智能手机等高科技电子产品进入上议院之后,近日英国上议院又有官员建议让议员们学会玩愤怒的小鸟之类的电脑游戏,以帮助他们尽快掌握高科技产品的使用方法。 Allowing iPads into the chamber was supposed to drag the House of Lords into the...

  • echo chamber 回声筒

    10-11-02 不管到哪里,身边可能都会有这么一类人,他们最常说的一个词是是的,最常说的一句话是我完全同意。当然,这些话主要是对领导说的。反正,领导说什么都能从他们那里得到完全一致的反馈,难怪外国人管这些人叫 echo chamber (回声筒)呢。 Echo chamber refers to a per...
