• 男人是否容易出轨 看脸型能判断一二

    19-04-20 Philandering men have unfaithfulness written all over their faces, according to research that suggests men and women are able to spot cheating chaps just by looking at them. 一项调查显示,玩弄女性的男性会把不忠写在脸上。根据这项调查,人们可以通过外...

  • 检测配偶是否有“偷吃”行为的高科技床垫

    16-05-02 From helping to relieve backache to regulating temperatures between the sheets and helping to prevent snoring, mattresses have become seriously high-tech these days. 如今的床垫也纷纷采用了高科技,有的可以调节床单的温度来缓解背痛,有的能帮助缓解睡觉...

  • 印度某地考生只能穿内裤笔试以防作弊

    16-03-07 Candidates at an Indian army recruitment day in Bihar were made to take a written exam in their underwear to prevent them from cheating, according to reports, after a spate of exam cheating scandals in the eastern state. 据报道,因印度东部省份比哈尔...