• 达美乐披萨宣布退出意大利市场

    22-08-22 近日,达美乐披萨宣布退出意大利市...

  • 令美国人糊涂的英式短语 上

    22-04-28 1. Theyre chalk and cheese. chalk and cheese等同于美国人说的apples and oranges,形容两个事物或人是完全不同的或完全无法兼容的,通常的句式为like / as different as chalk and cheese,例如:well never get onwere like chalk and cheese。 2. Bobs your uncle...

  • 睡前饮食黑榜

    22-01-26 1. Alcohol 酒精 Whilst you might find one glass of wine helps you nod off, alcohol stops you falling into deep sleep. 虽然你可能会觉得一杯葡萄酒可以帮助入睡,但酒精会阻止你进入深度睡眠。 2. Cheese 奶酪 Ever heard people say they have strange dreams...