• 咀嚼时的声音会显著影响食物摄入量

    16-04-04 The sounds you make while chewing have a significant effect on the amount of food you eat, a new study has found. The results suggest that people are likely to consume less if they can hear themselves eating. 最新研究表明,人们在咀嚼东西时发出的声音...

  • 嚼口香糖有助于摆脱“耳朵虫”

    15-05-08 We've all been there: you hear a catchy song and for days - or even weeks - on end you just can't get it out of your head. 我们都遇到过这种状况:你听完一首口水歌后,连续数日甚至数周你都没办法将其摆脱掉这首歌就是在你脑中阴魂不散。 Known as an earworm...

  • 男女吃饭速度不同源于咀嚼方式不同

    15-02-12 Many a woman has watched in disbelief as their partner inhales their food minutes after sitting down to dinner. Now Korean researchers have discovered why: men and women actually chew differently. 许多女性看到自己的伴侣坐下几分钟便把饭菜统统吞下时都...
