• 胚胎早期母亲染色体上的独特标记

    15-06-13 Researchers in the University of Georgia's Regenerative Bioscience Center are visually capturing the first process of chromosome alignment and separation at the beginning of mouse development. The findings could lead to answers to questions concerni...

  • 男性的吸烟与高死亡率

    14-12-08 In a new study, published in Science, researchers at Uppsala University demonstrate an association between smoking and loss of the Y chromosome in blood cells. The researchers have previously shown that loss of the Y chromosome is linked to cancer....

  • Y染色体对男性存亡有重要作用

    14-04-25 Despite a well-documented history of dramatic genetic decay, the human Y chromosome has over the course of millions of years of evolution managed to preserve a small set of genes that has ensured not only its own survival but also the survival of me...

  • 女性卵细胞染色体错误率高的原因

    14-03-19 A new study from the University of Southampton has provided scientists with a better understanding of why chromosome errors are high in women's eggs. It is estimated that up to 60 per cent of eggs are affected by errors in how their chromosomes divi...

  • 早期人类可能存在近亲繁殖现象

    13-03-19 Buried for 100,000 years at Xujiayao in the Nihewan Basin of northern China, the recovered skull pieces of an early human exhibit a now-rare congenital(先天的) deformation that indicates inbreeding might well have been common among our ancestors,...

  • 生物学家发现对染色体分离至关重要的蛋白质

    12-12-28 New York University biologists have identified how a vital(至关重要的) protein is loaded by others into the centromere(着丝粒) , the part of the chromosome that plays a significant role in cell division. Their findings shed new light on genome r...

  • 性染色体的进化历史

    12-08-07 Two new studies offer insight into sex chromosome evolution by focusing on papaya(木瓜) , a multimillion dollar crop plant with a sexual problem (as far as growers are concerned) and a complicated past. The findings are described in two papers in...

  • 科学家发现影响睾丸发育的基因区域

    11-09-27 New research presented at the European Society for Paediatric(儿科的) Endocrinology(内分泌学) meeting has found a genetic region that may control testicle development in the fetus. Men have XY sex chromosomes, and the development of testes is th...

  • 胚胎发育关键性蛋白质被确认

    10-05-14 Chromosome 22q11 deletion syndrome(综合症) (also known as DiGeorge syndrome) is the most common human chromosome(染色体) deletion syndrome, having an estimated incidence(影响,发生率) of at least one in 4,000 live births. It has a range of sev...
