• 遗传与家庭环境是慢性疼痛的两大危险因素

    16-08-18 Both genetic factors and family environment contribute to risk for chronic pain, and contributions of many genes contribute to risk of both chronic pain and major depressive disorder (MDD), according to a new study published in PLOS Medicine. The re...

  • Chronic lateness 惯常迟到

    16-04-20 Chronic lateness is related to procrastination. Latecomers and procrastinators have trouble NOT with time, but with self-discipline. They may also have underlying anxiety about the task theyre faced with. 惯常迟到跟拖延症相关。经常迟到的人和患有拖延...

  • 慢性创伤治疗或将有重大突破

    15-07-01 Most wounds clear up by themselves, but some fail to heal and become chronic. An international team of researchers led from Karolinska Institutet, now unveil the important role of so-called microRNAs in regulating skin wound healing, pointing to new...

  • 植物性饮食能缓解慢性病症状

    12-10-18 According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 63 percent of the deaths that occurred in 2008 were attributed to non-communicable chronic diseases such as cardiovascular(心血管的) disease, certain cancers, Type 2 diabetes and obesity -- for whi...

  • 很多慢性疼痛与大脑有关

    12-07-02 When people have similar injuries, why do some end up with chronic pain while others recover and are pain free? The first longitudinal brain imaging study to track participants with a new back injury has found the chronic pain is all in their heads...

  • “矮个儿”易患肺病

    10-01-08 People who develop chronic lung disease are more likely to be shorter in height than the general population, researchers say. 研究人员称,患有慢性肺部疾病的人似乎比正常人群矮一些。 People with COPD often need many medications The University of Notti...

  • ME virus discovery raises hopes 慢性疲劳症研究获重大突破

    09-10-11 US scientists say they have made a potential breakthrough in understanding what causes the condition known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or ME. 美国科学家称,他们已经发现导致慢性疲劳症的重大突破。 Some sufferers of ME have such severe symptoms t...
