• 中国专家呼吁管控电子烟

    18-08-02 Experts in China are calling for the control of electronic cigarettes, as the public lacks awareness of the potential health effects of vaping, reports thepaper.cn. 中国的专家们呼吁对电子烟进行控制,因为公众对电子烟潜在的健康威胁缺乏认知。 Invented...

  • 韩国禁烟广告遭吸烟者抗议

    15-12-04 Smokers in South Korea are protesting against a new government advert which equates buying cigarettes with buying disease, it's reported. 韩国吸烟者抗议政府新发布的禁烟广告。据报道,这份广告将购买香烟等同于购买疾...

  • 抽电子烟似乎会造成问题饮酒

    15-10-30 Using e-cigarettes is related to problematic drinking, according to new research published in Addictive Behaviors. In a study involving around 1400 people, researchers also found that more women than men use e-cigarettes socially, opposite to patter...

  • 抽电子烟的青少年很可能再次吸烟

    15-08-20 Students who have used electronic cigarettes by the time they start ninth grade are more likely than others to start smoking traditional cigarettes and other combustible tobacco products within the next year, according to a new study funded by the N...