• 《异形:契约》精彩词句

    23-01-30 1. I dont have a clue what to do with them. 我完全不知道该拿它们怎么办。 2. Alright, we are clear. 好的,我们这儿搞定了。 3. Working like a dream. 搞定,轻而易举。 4. Behave yourself with my wife. 在我妻子面前守点规矩。 5. We just have to wait it ou...

  • 我不知道。

    22-02-09 1. I have no idea. 我不知道。 升级版:I havent the faintest idea.表示我一无所知。这里的faint是形容词,表示模糊的。I havent the faintest idea.指我连最模糊的概念都没有。 2. You got me. 你把我逮住了。 即你把我难倒了。 3. I dont have a clue. 我毫无线索...

  • DNA clue to honey bee deaths 蜜蜂死亡DNA线索被发现

    09-08-25 Scientists say that mass bee deaths may be caused by viruses that disrupt gene expression. 科学家称造成蜜蜂大量死亡的原因可能是病毒造成的基因表达分裂。 Multiple viruses may act together to cause colony collapse The team analysed which genes were tur...
